Talent is the most important part of any business and we’re able to make actual changes and influence business strategies through our work. However, as much I love it, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t things that I’d like to have known before jumping in all those years ago, so here are my top 10:
1. Explore
Lots of sectors and industries, just because one place thinks you’ll be great in finance, if that doesn’t appeal say so – you’re going to be spending every day talking to people about their jobs and companies! I started out in retail recruitment as I transitioned over from my retail management days before turning my hand to digital marketing.
2. Commission
Structures aren’t the same and they aren’t the b-all-and-end-all. Make sure you weigh up all the pros and cons of an agency – do they have great training, what’s the team and environment like?
3. Teamwork
Although recruitment is an independent role, you still need your team around you. There is no harm in wanting to know who you’re going to be working alongside, celebrating and commiserating with.
4. Desk
Hot desk, cold desk, contract desk, perm desk. There are lots of variations of desk when you go into recruitment each have their own advantages and challenges - people are often strong in one.
5. Planning
Your day, goals and time with friends and family is key to a balanced life. The beauty and curse with recruitment is you’re never done – so know and plan to take breaks.
6. Assumptions
The worst habit of a recruiter! Don’t make them. If in doubt call. Remember, it’s unlikely that the people you work with, be that client’s candidates or colleagues think exactly like you.
7. Tough
Questions have to be asked. If something doesn’t sound right - challenge it. In the long run its better to ask a difficult question at the start then find out at the end of the process and lose the -placement.
8. You are never done learning!
Recruitment is constantly changing; new markets are emerging, and people want to work with experts, so you have to stay on top of your game.
9. Bad News
It sounds negative, but it’s important to remember we work in an industry that’s built on failure. There is 1 role and 5 candidates, 4 are guaranteed to be disappointed. Remember, it’s not personal to you.
10. Be open-minded
If you think recruitment is a 9-5 desk job, with a phone and an endless call list think again. The great thing about recruitment is it can take you anywhere! Take a look at our other blogs from the team to hear more about their journey through this awesome industry full of possibilities.